India 1856 (Apr) entire letter to Chippenham, franked with cut-to-shape 1854-55 4a blue & red, 2nd printing, Head II, Frame I (SG19) variety: pre-printing paper fold running horizontally through stamp, with extra blue ink below the neck covering a large portion, cancelled by Type 4 Dhawar numeral ’86’, with red framed “INDIA PAID” and (London) 7.6.56 transit cds, backstamped framed Dhawar 22.4.56 despatch, Bombay 26.4.56 transit and Chippenham 7.6.56 arrival cds, mark, backstamped Calcutta 4.7.55 and (London) 15.8.55 datestamps. 4a paid the single rate for letters weighing less than ½ oz sent from India to GB “via Southampton” – 2022 BPA certificate
Catalogue No: SG 19var
Catalogue Value: -
Type: Cover